If you’ve been suffering from missing teeth, replacing them with dental implants in Mid Cities is one of the best decisions you can make. This procedure utilizes the latest technology and techniques in dentistry to restore not just the visible portion of your missing teeth, but the entire structure. You probably noticed that they have a higher up-front cost than traditional restorations like dentures. Don’t let that be the deciding factor in what option is best for your lifestyle. Dentures need to be replaced every five to 10 years, but implants can last decades, and even a lifetime if you properly care for them. Learn why they are a cost-effective and lasting solution that are great for you below.
How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed in your jawbone to prevent deterioration and provide your restorations with a sturdy and strong foundation. This keeps your replacement teeth from slipping and shifting and provides a variety of unique benefits like preventing your facial structure from sinking. Implants can last over three decades when they’re properly cared for. How’s this possible when dentures can only last up to a decade? Titanium is an incredibly biocompatible metal that naturally fuses with your jawbone through a process called osseointegration. It also forms something called an oxide layer, which is a thin layer of oxygen that keeps the posts from eroding and creates a strong bond with your jawbone.What Are Some Habits to Avoid With Implants?
To avoid implant failure, it’s best to commit to routine oral hygiene and visit your dentist in Mid Cities every six months for a professional checkup and cleaning. Some habits that you’ll want to avoid, ensuring the success of your new restorations include:- Teeth grinding and clenching.
- Tobacco use.
- Chewing or biting on objects that aren’t food.
How Can You Get The Most From Your Investment?
Because dental implants are so similar to your natural teeth, you can take care of them in the same way. That means there’s no special aftercare instructions for them. Taking good care of them can play an important role in their success. It’s well worth the effort, because they’ll improve your quality of life. Be sure to follow these tips while caring for your implants:- Brush them at least twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- Floss once a day.
- Visit your dentist every six months.
- Ask your dentist for recommendations for oral hygiene products.